Special Kitchen Tools For People With Amputees

Cooking can be a fun and relaxing activity, cooking can become a particular problem for amputees. But now that specialized kitchen appliances are available, organizations like Socket Healthcare can help people with amputees around them improve their cooking independence and make cooking more convenient and enjoyable. This blog post will discuss creative gadgets and recipes […]

How an Orthosis Can Help if Your Child Has Cerebral Palsy

As a single parent, nothing is more important than making sure your child is successful and helping them reach their full potential. If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, you may feel overwhelmed, but there is hope. One amazing piece of equipment that can make a huge difference in your child’s life is […]

Top 8 Air Traveling Tips for Amputees 

Traveling for most people is a thrilling prospect of their life, so being on vacation for a family reunion or exploring new destinations. Though for people with amputees or prosthesis traveling can come with different sets of challenges. If you have prosthetics, the idea of ​​travel can be overwhelming at first. Navigating through airport security […]

Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Prosthetics?

Patients often ask prosthetists, does prosthetic covers in insurance? Though insurance policies vary, we cannot give definitive answers. However, our team is committed to making the process of getting a prosthesis easier for you. We will work closely with insurance providers to ensure you get the best deal on prosthetics. To help you, we have […]

A Guide for Beginners Before Getting a Prosthetic Leg

Prosthetic Leg can become a life-changing experience for people with amputees, but modern technological equipment can help you regain mobility and independence. A prosthetic leg is a limb that replaces a missing leg, allowing you to walk, run, and even participate in sports. If you or a loved one is considering a prosthetic leg, it […]

5 Custom Foot Orthotics Types, Benefits & Tips for Caring

Orthotics are basically medical devices that you wear in your shoes. It is designed to help with how you walk, stand and run. Orthotics can also help with foot pain caused by arthritis, bursitis, arthritis, and diabetes. When choosing orthotics, it’s important to understand what custom options are available to meet your specific needs. What […]

How Can You Work With a Prosthetic Arm?

If you have undergone an arm amputee right now then a Prosthetic arm can help you live a happy and full life. These prosthetics are being designed in a way so that it can mimic the functionality and appearance of a real arm. If you recently underwent a prosthetic or have suffered from a limb […]

Is Driving Possible With a Prosthetic Leg?

Amputees generally ask will I be able to drive after a prosthetic leg? Is it easy to drive or will I have to face a lot of difficulties? Yes, people with prosthetics can drive but in this blog we will take you through the complications that will come into play. Wherever the limb loss has […]

How Does it Feel to Work With a Prosthetic Leg

If you have recently understood amputation or any of your loved ones has faced this situation. They might have a question in mind if they can walk normally with a prosthetic leg. How do you walk with a prosthetic leg? There are different pros and cons for every patient as it depends on various factors […]


May 2024

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